How To Make The Switch To Non-Toxic Cleaning Products

How To Make The Switch To Non-Toxic Cleaning Products

Many household cleaning products are packed full of chemicals that have adverse health effects. Some of these health impacts have been discovered through testing. However, large-scale testing of chemicals has not yet been implemented, so many potential health impacts are yet to be found. 

If you want to keep your kids and/or baby healthy and also preserve your health, then switching to non-toxic cleaning products is an important decision to make.

In addition to the positive health implications of switching to kid-safe cleaning products, these products are often better for the environment, too. So, you can contribute to a better planet for you and your family to live in by choosing not to add to the pollution of waterways and ecosystems through chemical-filled household cleaning products.

Some Of The Chemicals To Watch Out For:

Many chemicals are difficult to detect as ingredient labeling is not required on most cleaning products. However, by doing some research before purchasing and determine whether a product is non-toxic before you buy, you can easily avoid these harmful chemicals.


Phthalates are found in almost any household product containing fragrance, including wipes, toilet paper, soaps, and even air freshener sprays. Phthalates disrupt the endocrine system in humans, impacting sperm count in men and causing hormonal imbalances and reproductive health impacts in women. Although labeling is not required for this chemical, you can be nearly positive it will be in any household product containing fragrances that aren't labeled as non-toxic. 

Bleach and Ammonia

Ammonia is a common chemical in household cleaners and products, such as window cleaner, polishing substances used in sinks, bathrooms, and even jewelry. 

Bleach is a powerful chemical cleaning product most commonly used to sanitize bathrooms. It is known to produce harmful fumes and irritate the skin.

If bleach and ammonia are combined, they produce a toxic gas that can lead to lung damage. If these chemicals are integrated into your home, you should seek medical help.

Perchloroethylene (PERC)

This chemical substance is most commonly found in carpet and upholstery cleaning products, including spot stain removers. The EPA classifies it as a "possible carcinogen."

How To Transition To Natural House Cleaning Products 

The thought of switching to all-natural products while also considering the health effects of the current developments in your home can feel overwhelming. However, rest assured, knowing that you do not have to switch overnight. Most chemicals cause long-term impacts on health, so while the sooner you change, the better; you do not need to throw out all of your cleaning products at once.

Instead, here are some steps you can take to transition to non-toxic cleaning products:

  1. Do Some Research. Determine which of your products contain chemicals that you want to eliminate.
  2. Make A Plan. Determine some possible alternative products that do not contain chemicals and fit your budget.
  3. Switch Out Products. As you finish up the products you have on hand, replace them with the non-toxic products you chose in step 2.

Here are some alternatives to consider as you transition to healthy cleaning practices and home cleaners without chemicals:

All-Purpose Cleaners

Cleaning your home’s surface is often a daily practice, so the products you use must be both healthy and sustainable. 

Instead of an all-purpose spray full of chemicals, try Wipex Table Bussers®. These wipes for tables and counters are perfect for easily wiping down surfaces in your home. They contain no harsh chemicals and are made of compostable viscose cloth material.

Floor Cleaners

If you've got a house full of messy children and pets, then cleaning your floors might be a daily (or at least weekly) chore. However, your children and pets also play on those floors, so it's essential to ensure that you aren't covering them with harmful chemicals each time you clean.

Wipex Be Grounded® XL Floor Wipes can be attached to popular floor mops such as your Swiffer® Sweeper ®. Rather than cleaning your floors with harsh chemicals, these floor wipes contain natural ingredients, including rosemary essential oil.

Bathroom Cleaners

Bathroom cleaners are some of the most harmful products in your home. However, many DIY and straightforward options can serve as affordable natural cleaning supplies for your home.

Here's a simple DIY bathroom cleaner mixture. Combine these ingredients in a spray bottle and shake to combine!

  • 1 cup of water
  • 2 tablespoons of baking soda
  • ½ cup of vinegar
  • Optional: Juice of ½ of lemon or 15 drops of essential oils of your choice. This step adds fragrance to the cleaner.

Dish Detergent

Here’s a simple recipe for natural and non-toxic liquid dishwashing detergent. Add these ingredients to a bowl and stir to combine, and then transfer to a container such as a squirt bottle for storage and use.

  • ½ c of pure castile soap
  • ¼ c of white vinegar for cleaning
  • ¼ c of salt
  • 1 tsp citric acid powder
  • 5 drop of essential oil of your choice for fragrance

Returning to natural methods of cleaning just needs a little bit of know-how, and you are good to go! Humans were not meant to be hanging around volatile, toxic compounds all day long. Invest a little extra time to rid your home and your life of toxic chemicals, for the sake of your health.

If you want something a little easier, you need a ready-made product you can trust: Wipex®. We have been in the business of helping people ride themselves of toxic products since 2000. Our aromatic, tailored solutions tackle any mess quickly and safely. Nothing beats our tailored solutions. Every single product is convenient and expertly-engineered with over 31 years of experience. Demolish daily dirt with Wipex®.

Explore our expertly crafted cleaning wipes. Click SHOP NOW to find the perfect wipe to tackle any mess in moments.